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According to BL 3-31 from the Danish CAA, regulations apply to take-off and landing of helicopters within Danish territory outside public aerodromes in connection with any kind of air traffic, except for scheduled air traffic. If the non-approved helicopter landing area is situated within 5 km of a public aerodrome, the flight shall be co-ordinated with the air traffic control at the aerodrome concerned.
Before an area is used for take-off and landing, the owner’s permission shall be obtained. During approach and departure, take-off and landing or manoeuvring in connection therewith, a helicopter must not be nearer than 25m to people, grazing livestock, buildings or vehicles. However, this does not apply if the persons in question, or if the owner of the animals, vehicles and buildings have consented to operation within a distance of 25 m. In that case, the distance may be reduced to the rotor diameter of the helicopter (sic – it actually stipulates this!).
Bird migration occurs during the whole year, but culminates in the periods end of March to Mid-May (spring migration) and beginning of September to Mid-November (autumn migration).
Spring migration culminates in the period end of March to Mid-May, and peak numbers for most species occur in April. The most important factors inducing heavy migration are a rise in temperature over Central and Western Europe, light winds, and southerly winds. At night migration is generally in broad outline covering the entire country and its surrounding waters, with mean direction north-Northeast. Most birds come from Central and Western Europe. In day-light migration tends to concentrate along guiding coasts. The most important points of concentration area:
Autumn migration culminates during the period beginning of September to mid-November, and peak numbers for most species occur in October. The most important factor inducing heavy migration is fall in temperature over Central and Northern Scandinavia. High intensities coincide also with winds from N-NE, light winds, little cloud-over and high atmospheric pressure. At night migration is in broad outline covering the entire country and its surrounding waters with mean direction south. Most birds come from South Norway and South Sweden. By day migration tends to concentrate in the eastern part of Denmark and along guiding coasts. The most important points of concentration are:
Generally the altitude of night migration is higher than by day. At night the average altitude is about 3.000-5.000FT, by day about 1.000- 3.000FT.
At least 100 million birds passes over Denmark and its surrounding waters during autumn. Smaller passerines are dominating, several species occur in great numbers and are most hazardous to aircraft, e.g. starlings, thrushes and finches. Very numerous and hazardous are also crow-birds, ducks, gulls, waders, pigeons and birds of prey, occurring from tens of thousands to several millions.
If flying in areas with high bird intensity (ref. LOW FLYING CHART – RDAF or next page) the pilot must maintain at least 2000 ft if birds are observed. Permanent bird concentration areas shown on next page primarily indicate concentration areas for breeding and resting waterbirds (swans, geese, ducks, coot, waders and gulls).
Helicopters may operate VFR with visibility is equal to or greater than 800 M, if manoeuvring at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstruction in time to avoid collision. Required flight visibility at night, at least 3km for helicopters.
Minimum altitude is 1000ft. However low flying at or above 500 ft AGL (1000ft agl over built up-, recreational areas, camp sites, crowds etc.) may take place if landing in a critical situation is possible without any danger to persons or property.
At night helicopters can operate down to 300 ft ASL over open waters. A briefing must be obtained from Helicopter Wing Karup (HW KAR) before operating low level at night over the sea.
Due to noise abatement, every effort should be made not to overfly built up and recreational areas, especially coastal recreational areas, at low altitude. Fur farms are to be avoided with at least 1 NM horizontal distance. Direct overflight of ships or sailing boats not legitimate targets or exercise participants should be avoided.
The responsible authority for Search and Rescue Services in Denmark is the Ministry of Transport in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Justice. The Search and Rescue Service in Denmark is provided by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC), which is operated by Royal Danish Navy (SOK) and Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF).
TEL: +45 72 85 04 50 E-mail: [email protected]
Private flights to and from Danish territory with foreign civil aircraft registered in a State which has adhered to the Chicago Convention may be carried out without special permission. Helicopters may operate Special VFR, within the daily periods for VFR flights, if the reported visibility at the aerodrome and the flight visibility is not less than 0,8 KM, if manoeu-vred at a speed that will give adequate opportu-nity to observe any obstacle in time to avoid collision.
As of 2021 and still valid in 2024:
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