Helipaddy – a trusted service for helipad owners

If you accept helicopter landings, you need a trusted way of publishing your location
Helipaddy is a very focused business. Since 2018, Helipaddy has been doing nothing but connected pilots with landowners who are heli-friendly. We have learned a lot in this time, especially understanding the point of view of landowners.
The seriousness business of fun
Helipaddy takes helicopter landings on private property very seriously. The founders, Paddy & Sarah, are both pilots and also landowners with two landing sites in Helipaddy. They love helicopters and deplore pilots who fly inconsiderately – which is actually very few. The vast majority of stories we receive from excited pilots and landing site owners are nothing but positive.
The way Helipaddy build trust with site owners is
- site owners are always consulted
- site owners don’t pay to be listed. Helipaddy has no incentive to add sites, only keep the data accurate
- the founders are both active helicopter pilots and embedded in the community

Site owners are always consulted
There are only two ways your landing site can be added to the directory. Either a pilot has discovered it and landed there or the site owner has added it themselves. In the first case, Helipaddy check the details manually and contact the landowner for verification.
Pilots add sites via the app and sites added without landowner contact information are rejected. If you are a landing site owner, it is impossible for your site to be listed without you being contacted to verify. We are strictly GDPR compliant.
A private landing site is not a license to land
Some owners worry that, by being listed, they are inviting helicopters to land. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Firstly, all Helipaddy landing sites are “Prior Permission Required” and this is sacrosanct. In fact, it is a requirement of the law and insurance that pilots check the availability and conditions of a landing site before arriving. For a pilot to arrive unannounced, they would be trespassing and potentially endangering people and animals. By being in Helipaddy, you can be certain the the pilot contacts you (know as “PPR”).
Helipaddy provide all site owners a simple dashboard (currently still completely free as of 2023) where you can directly edit your details, or simply hide your site from pilots. This suits many site owners who only allow landings in the winter months flor example due to tall grass or animals.
If you have a landing site and you don’t want “any old Joe pilot” contacting you about landing, then it is far better to be IN Helipaddy and hidden in the app, than OUT of Helipaddy. Once you are inner system, our duplicate checking system will now prevent anyone else from ever adding your site.
A landing zone must be accurately described
Only Helipaddy gives you the tools (via the simple online dashboard) to properly specify the details of the landing zone. If you have multiple landing zones you can add as many as you like (this suits some hotel chain owners or hotels with several landing locations). You can also add as many administrators of the sites as you like if you have a management team.

Noise matters, so do neighbours
This is a hot one for the founders of Helipaddy who have neighbours and horses. The owner dashboard is a great way for you to explain your preferred approach and departure directions. Only Helipaddy gives you this control. Don’t repeat yourself, simply edit your details in the dashboard and all pilots instantly see the latest instructions.
Helipaddy is the only trusted system for pilots
Because of this, most pilots will always check the landing information in Helipaddy first before contacting you and coming in to land. This ensures you remain Health and Safety compliant and that and accidents land on the pilots lap and not yours.
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