Garmin G500H TXi and GTN series FAQ

How do I get waypoints transferred from SkyDemon/Garmin/Helipaddy etc onto my helicopter cockpit?
- See our guide on bulk transfer of waypoints

Top tip: For single waypoints, it is quicker to add it manually to the GTN. The GTN only accepts a limited CSV format and only via transfer onto SD card so it is just not possible over the air
(Please tell us below if we are wrong!)
Note that you can add waypoints from the map view in the GTN. The button appears as you scroll around the map.
Get your systems all in Decimal format as this is accepted universally including Google Maps.
The G500H lets me set the Vr and Vy – what are these for my Heli?
- For the R66, Vy is 60 knots and Vr is 0 knots. Vy is the best rate of climb as recommended in the POH.
I have a Flightstream card – can that go in a G500H slot or does it have to go in the GTN slot?
If there is a combination of a GTN and TXi then the Flightstream 510 needs to always be in the GTN, this is because the GTN is the primary Navigator. The two slots on the TXi, are used for Software updates as well as database updates if you don’t have a Flightstream 510.

The G500H lets me set the Vr and Vy – what are these for my Heli?
- For the R66, Vy is 60 knots and Vr is 0 knots. Vy is the best rate of climb as recommended in the POH.
My G500 keeps giving me terrain warnings when I land at my private site, can I stop these?
- Either select RP Mode in the Terrain screen settings pin the G500 (but you have to do this every flight)
- Or…do a flight plan in the GTN and make sure the final User waypoint is set as “AIRPORT” (edit it and you will see the option)
The GTN says the Terrain database is missing or corrupted. The G500H TXi has 16T1 and looks OK.
- The GTN requires a different Terrain file than the G500 TXI system. I suspect that during the initial update via Database Concierge you elected to update Terrain in the version compatible with the G500 TXI (4.9 arc second). This is not compatible with the GTN and that’s why there is no Terrain on it. As this is a helicopter installation, the GTN will require 2.5 arc seconds version of the terrain database. Re-install the 2.5 arc second Terrain database as per the “Change a Database Mid-Cycle” FAQ.
How do I change a GTN database mid-cycle if I updated on Garmin Pilot?
- After starting the GTN, press the Show All DBs button and then click the Start button.
Is there a way to see the course I should follow taking wind into account?
- Yes, use the heading bug to drag the magenta course pointer around the compass rose until the magenta bug is on the desired course.
Can I activate the Visual approach to an airfield from anywhere (lets say I am really lost!)
- Sadly not, you should never activate the approach unless you are cleared for the procedure or on final. We tested this and found that the visual approach doesn’t work from a random location unless you navigate to it first (using the DirectTo button, say)
Is there a limit to the number of waypoint in the GTN?
- Yes, 1000